2009年4月30日 星期四






2009年4月28日 星期二

天下雜誌: 台大學生 也要重新「學讀書」

這是最新一期天下雜誌的文章, 我覺得值得一讀, 因此推薦到社區部落格與大家分享...

台大學生 也要重新「學讀書」

作者:彭昱融  出處:天下雜誌 420期 2009/04




大一學習的好壞,幾乎決定了未來學習曲線。美國哈佛大學早在一九六○年就開設新生討論課(Freshman Seminar),輔導新生透過「學習如何學習」適應轉變。



請大家連結至天下雜誌網站, 繼續閱讀...

2009年4月27日 星期一

一則有趣的釣魚新聞 (英國)

好有趣的新聞 ...

這則新聞的原文在 telegraph.co.ukbbc.co.uk 的網站都有,
網站上, 還有 Big Scale 的照片, 真的好大呢!
少花一點時間記單字, 久了一定會進步的...
不斷放生 又不斷被釣的大鯉魚
( 中廣新聞網 2009/04/26 原始新聞連結 )




Carp is the 'one that got away' after being caught and released repeatedly over 30 years
( Original News Link )

This 30lb carp has earned its ironic nickname of "the one that got away" after being caught and thrown back repeatedly by fishermen for the past three decades.

The 30lb carp has been caught every year for last three decades by anglers who now treat him like an unofficial member of their club

Members of the Chorlton Anglers Club, in Manchester say the fish – named Big Scale – is the pride of the lake and is an unofficial member of their club.

They land him at least twice a year and sometimes he's pulled out four times during the season.

Each time, the anglers tend to any injuries, take a photograph, then release him back into the water.

Club Chairman Simon Dale said: "Without doubt, he is the pride of the lake. It is quite a struggle. He doesn't give in easily.

"He is a very clever fish and doesn't often take the bait. He isn't always caught."

Big Scale is one of a number of large carp in the lake that are honoured by being named because they weigh more than 20lb.

The others include Big Mac who weighs 29lb; Tchaikovsky – named after the composer's 1812 overture because he surfaces 18 times every 12 months; Bones, Sweetpea, Paisley and The Ugly Fish – all slightly lighter at 28lb.

Mr Dale, an air conditioning engineer, recognises every large fish in the lake.

"I am so passionate about my sport," he said.

"And I am thrilled how popular our club is becoming. It is a fantastic way of getting the community together and for children to get out in the fresh air and learn about wildlife."

Big fish still has anglers hooked
( Original News Link )

A giant carp lurking under the surface of a lake in Greater Manchester has been reeling in keen anglers from across the North West.

Big Scale, which weighs 30lb (13.6kg), is known to put up a fight when he is caught at Chorlton Water Park.

Dave Appleton vice-chairman of Chorlton Anglers Club, said: "He's a mighty fish, he is over 40 years old now and he's still going strong."

The popular carp, the largest in the lake, is caught about twice a year.

'Slippery chaps'

Members of the club have named each carp in the lake that weighs more than 25lb.

Along with Big Scale, there is Tchaikovsky, Bones, Fish and Big Mac, which have been spotted, caught, pulled out of the water, weighed and put back in.

Mr Appleton said: "The carps can be right slippery chaps, they're pretty clever.

"It is a struggle getting them out of the water and you know when you've caught one because of the giant pull on the line.

"We have a first aid kit for the fish on hand in case we injure them and we always put them straight back in the water."

2009年4月23日 星期四

MBTI 職業性格測試

這學期, 我在學校有教到大四畢業班的課程, 我特地在他們畢業前給他們做這個測驗, 希望他們在投入職場前, 對自己多一分了解, 做過測驗的同學, 大部分都覺得很準, 因此也把這個測驗推薦給社區的好朋友們, 很好玩喔!


MBTI 是性格分類的一種,由瑞士心理分析家 榮格 於 1921 年所提出,經過多年的發展,MBTI 現已成為全球著名的性格測試之一。當中包括教育界、顧員招聘及培訓、領袖訓練及個人發展等領域均有廣泛的應用。測驗結果分為十六種性格:

01) ESTJ 大男人型
02) ESTP 挑戰型
03) ESFJ 主人型
04) ESFP 表演型
05) ENTJ 將軍型
06) ENTP 發明家
07) ENFJ 教育家
08) ENFP 記者型
09) ISTJ 公務型
10) ISTP 冒險家
11) ISFJ 照顧型
12) ISFP 藝術家
13) INTJ 專家型
14) INTP 學者型
15) INFJ 作家型
16) INFP 哲學家

2009年4月16日 星期四

電話費又再次降價 但需自己設定

這是我同事寄給我的, 我不確定這封 mail 是否為最近的降價方案!
我剛剛已經把家裡的電話費匯率做了確認也設定為 5分鐘 1.5元 !!
大家趕緊確認一下自己家裡的電話費匯是否設定為比較便宜的方案 !!
給自己省荷包! (可惡的中華電信, 竟然不主動告知, 貪很大)


電話費又再次降價嚕~ 快去設定!
已確認過 1200 是中華電信費率查詢號碼沒錯,且設定過程ok


[分享 ] 中華電信電話費降價 ~ 內有設定方法!
上次 是『三分鐘 1.6元』,這次 改成『 5分鐘 1.5元』,又降價了!費率又改了!

中華電信室內電話改成『 5分鐘 1.5元』,
但是中華電信 每次都不公佈 ,還要自己去公佈欄看,
收到這封 mail 後大家趕快打語音電話做更改吧,每支室內電話的原本預設
為 3分鐘 1.6 元,設定後將改成 5分鐘 1.5 元!

說實在,差粉多!如何修改設定 :

1. 拿起家裡的室內電話撥打 1200 ,進入語音系統!

2. 然後按 1 ,選擇「室內電話費率選擇 ! 」

3. 再按 1「設定室內電話選擇」!

4. 接下來語音系統會報出你家的電話號碼, 正確按 1

5. 接下來按 2「選擇基本型」!

6. 再來按 3,系統會提示 :「選擇 C 方案,每 5分鐘 1.5元」再按 1 後就完成」!

7. 最後恭喜你囉!修改完成,從下個月 1 號起開始使用新方案計費。